From WWII Army Camp to Industrial Park!

Our History
Reynolds Industrial Park: What started as 35 acres of land used by the US Army in WWII has now grown into a 430-acre development occupied by industrial, warehouse, and service-related industries.
Today, Greenville-Reynolds Development Corporation manages three industrial parks on 1,200 acres as well as domestic water and wastewater utilities. A diverse group of more than 50 companies employing 1,600 people is located within GRDC’s three parks.
June 23 — Army Engineers survey local farms.
July 3 — US Government plans purchase of 25 local farms.
August 7 — Government buys land for army camp.
April 2 — Shenango Replacement Depot declared ready after 6 months of construction.
September 23 — Camp renamed Camp Reynolds after Major Fulton Reynolds, a Civil War general killed in the battle of Gettysburg.
January 9 — War Department declares Camp Reynolds inactive.
March 31 — USO leaves its clubs in Greenville and Sharon in the hands of volunteers.
Mid-Year — U.S. General Services Administration orders buildings at Camp Reynolds dismantled.
October 27 — Army transfers the property deed to Greenville Businessmen's Association which turned the land into an industrial park.